What sitebyMIKE can do for you!

Html Janitor? We Clean Your Code!

I’ve joked about being an ‘HTML Janitor’ for years, but it’s still as true today as it was years ago. Many sites are built with the best intentions, but eventually get clogged up with out-of-date html structures and abandoned code. Let sitebyMIKE look through your site to offer you realistic recommendations to streamline your site’s structure and presentation.

Properly formatted, efficient code helps speed up your site and becomes easier for your staff to maintain. We’ve taken lots of old sites on a multitude of platforms, modernized them using the latest frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. Our clients have seen the obvious advantages.

html janitor

With the rise of WordPress builders such as Elementor, WP Bakery and Beaver Builder, we’ve noticed a ton of sites that aren’t structured properly. Without knowing how the underlying code is viewed by search engines, inexperienced designers sometimes build sites that look nice, but perform poorly. We regularly help clients by correctly formatting problem areas of sites built by other people. Sometimes you don’t need a full redesign in order to fix a lot of problems.

Contact sitebyMIKE to see how we can help you build a great website

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